

Córdoba Acelera, Government of Cordoba


1- Explore sister-city relationship opportunities: develope line of communication, Identify and share best practices in economic development, identify potential program/exchange opportunities. learn how they development public polices to create economic development opportunities. Explore mutually beneficial partnerships. 2- Learn about Panama economic development, innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems: Visits to Top Innovation Sites, Learn about their Economic Development Plans and Competitiveness Strategies 3- Improve Cordoba’s position as a regional and global economic developmental area: Cordoba Acelera has the objective of promoting Córdoba’s international presence. and seeking to connect Córdoba with the world in the fields of innovation, business models, entrepreneurship and new economies. ACE experience let me position Cordoba City to the world and network with decision-makers who are transforming economic development, generating an environment that permits us to present our city activities to productive developmental policy stakeholders, allowing us to interchange latest models, technologies and mechanisms to propel inclusive economic development by facilitating commerce, innovation and increasing quality employment.

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Smart Cities

Women Empowerment

Entrepreneurship, Business Creation and Development

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