I need to contact someone
César Parga
Section Chief
Section of Competitiveness, Innovation and Technology
- cparga@oas.org
Celio Vaz is an ACE Ambassador and a driving force behind some of the great results accomplished by the program.
After participating in ACE Puerto Rico, Celio incorporated in the Island an aerospace company named Aerospacefy LLC. The new company is a subsidiary of Orbital Engenharia S.A., a company based in Brazil.
He is the founder and CEO of Orbital Engenharia S.A. with more than 20 years in the market developing systems and equipment for the Brazilian Space Program. Celio has more than 30 years of experience in Mechanical Engineering focusing on energy generation systems for space applications.
If you are interested in the aerospace industry, please refer to Aerospacefy in Puerto Rico (United States) to explore opportunities for collaboration, trade, and investment.
Celio holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at Universidade de Brasília – UnB (1981), a MSc in Applied Systems Analysis at Brazilian National Space Research Institute – INPE (1989), and a PhD in Science in Mechanical Engineering from Technological Institute of Aeronautics – ITA (2000).
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