

Senior Advisor/Maritime Sector Lead

Innovation Norway

Picture of Norway



Ken Methi Huste, Senior Advisor/Maritime Sector Lead, Innovation Norway. Recruiting Norwegian companies that have technologies and/or services which are relevant and necessary for the US maritime industry, with a heavy focus on the offshore wind market (port infrastructure and vessel newbuilds). Our programs include 1 to many and 1 to 1, where we either recruit several companies to visit one market, or only work with one company to assist in entering the market. Previous jobs include Business Development within explosion proof LED lighting for maritime, ship to shore communications systems for vessels, and fire safety pumps for offshore rigs. I have a Bachelors Degree in International Marketing and Public Relations from the University of Houston.

Reasons to join the program

To gain a better understanding of the opportunities available for Norwegian technologies, as well as broaden my network in the Seattle area and greater Washington State.